Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dan and Genuine's Wedding in Chicago with Kenny Kim

"hey, just wondering if you were going to put up any of the blogs tonight... we're pretty behind and i think i have 2 ready to go for you :) "

This was the email I received from my fiancé (so awesome to finally say that!), and it is only reason # 938294 why I love her. She keeps me in line in the most loving way possible. Yes, my dear friends, we have multiple blog posts that are awaiting launch for your viewing pleasure, so great ready for the...HURRICANE! :)

My first day out in Chicago a couple weeks ago, I had the privilege and honor to shoot with the one and only Kenny Kim! Kenny and I have known one another way before I had even picked up a camera. Rather, I was in front of the lens modeling for one of Mike Colón's first workshops when Kenny was first starting out! Since then, as life would have it, our interests and paths have crossed and it was so much fun (and a little nerve-racking) to shoot with him on his home court (aka Illinois)! However, despite the rainy weather and soaked cameras, teamed up with Steve Goldhaber, the three of us had a great day with an awesome couple, Dan and Genuine!

Have you ever been to a wedding where you just sit there and say to yourself, "Now THAT'S what marriage and a wedding is supposed to look like!" Now before you draw all kinds of conclusions from that last sentence, what I mean by that is both Dan and Genuine (what an awesome name) were like Oak trees on their wedding day. I was there from start to finish during the whole day and was constantly just blown away by their quiet strength, unwavering dedication, and the unflappable resolve they had towards everything. Not to mention, their whole day went perfectly! I'm man enough to admit I got a little choked up during the ceremony as I was clicking away. The moment that hit me the most was when they each went to their parents and bowed humbly before them as their first act as man and wife. Watching the tears roll down their eyes as they bowed low before the people who raised them, I was ensnared by the symbolism of such an act and just couldn't get that lump in my throat to go away! Thankfully, I had my big ol' 70-200mm lens on my camera so it manned things up a bit for me and kept me from being reduced to a puddle in the corner, haha. ;)

While these photos have been long in coming, I hope that you will enjoy these moments I was fortunate enough to capture from their day. And to Dan and Genuine, may God bless you and may your humility know no bounds as you move forward with one another onto a new life!








Kenny! Those flowers are perfect, they really bring out the red in your camera strap! ;)









Kenny really loves his clients :)








Chritine (Artemis Clover Photo) said...

i love the one of them by the tree. has an HDR feel to it.

Meghan Meyer said...

Haha, me too! My mouth literally dropped open when I saw that one. I think it one of the prettiest pictures I have ever seen.

The one with the umbrella is adorable too! :)

Kenny said...

Very vibrant! Way to rock it out. Nice job Gavin.

Gavin and Erin said...

Hey guys! Thank you so much for the blog love!

And Meghan, if you'd like, I'll get you a print of that shot with them by the tree! ;)


Solana and Miguel said...

Great stuff guys! :)