Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Emily and Mike's Wedding- Simi Valley: Part II

I know exactly what you're thinking, "Gavin hasn't posted in a while because he wants those blackmail pictures of Erin to stay up front and center as LONG as possible."

You, my friend, are partly correct! While I do enjoy those studly pictures of my woman adorning the first blog post, I'm also on a bit of a semi-vacation out in Chicago! I had the privilege of shooting a wedding with my friend and photo networking guru Kenny Kim this past Saturday, and have since then just been relaxing and visiting one of my best friends Paul who is in medschool at Midwestern.

More on my wedding with Kenny soon!

But first, I wanted to give you all just a few more photos from Emily and Mike's wedding which we shot out in Simi Valley a couple weeks ago! (P.S. Emily and Mike, your images are done! Be looking for them in the mail soon ;) )
The black and white one of Emily against Mike's chest is one of my favorites! Enjoy!










Erin doing her best impression of a bridesmaid while I tested out the lighting in the church :) **And NO, you can't see my impression**





This little guy was in the middle of the dance floor and I couldn't resist getting a picture of those big baby blues!! So cute! He reminded me A LOT of my brother Camden when he was a little tank :)


The reception ended at 2:30pm, I'll let you take it from there to interpret! Haha

1 comment:

Adrienne Gunde said...

Love that first color portrait of the bride - beautiful!