Friday, May 22, 2009

Blackmail Thursday: D.I.C.S. Day

In college my dorm was all about Braveheart. And sometimes fellas, and I know most of you can back me up on this, we just have the urge to bash, smash, shoot, blow up, or otherwise just wail on something! haha. Well back at Wheaton College we embraced these carnal urges and set aside a specific day for such a cause. We called it D.I.C.S. Day, or rather Day of International Class Skipping. It was glorious. Weeks of planning and preparation went into this every year and it was nothing short of epic. We marched around campus, yelled at the establishments that caged our free spirits (aka, the science building) ate with our bare hands (at the cafeteria) and fought legen...wait for it...dary battles to the death on the school's front lawn. Our swords and shields may have been made of cardboard and duct tape, but our hearts were made of cast-iron and our motives were pure. On D.I.C.S. Day we did what we wanted, we freed our spirits from the Grading Curves that enslaved us all....and nothing else mattered. Here I am pictured with my buddy DJ moments before our glorious battle. I was the candy-cane of death.



Leah said...


Lauren Pynckel said...

ok...first, thank you for the How I met your Mother reference. Second, have you seen Role Models? Lair anyone??

Unknown said...

Do you remember the awesome sun burn lines you had from that paint!!! Haha, quite a few of you boys looked quite interesting after that:)