Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Finally, after constantly being bombarded with TV ads, robotic phone calls, yelling people on the street corner, this day has come. People are turning out in record numbers to vote today, I love America! 

My civic duty has been done, my vote has been cast, and come this evening our nation will have a new leader! It's on days like today that I am proud to live in this great nation! While it seems as though all the candidates and the media try to do is focus our attention on all the things wrong with our government and society, the truth is we still have so much to be thankful for! There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on this planet and should thank God for it daily!

So maybe we Americans should turn off the TV, remove our gaze from the stock tickers, and take a moment to enjoy the good things! :)

Have a great day in this great nation!

Picture 4

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