Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"IIIIIIKEA...this is comfortable" -Chandler Bing

Wow, I cannot believe that our wedding is just 14 short weeks away! It still hasn't set in yet that we're going to be married!! We are so excited! Although, this past weekend we did make one small investment into our business as well as our future!

Yes...we went to Costco to get toothpaste and soap...and ended up leaving with a couch!

One of the wicked awesome (and undoubtedly cool) things that Erin and I love to do together is go to Costco and just sit on their couches. We fill up on all the tasty samples, get our little paper cup of Zip Fizz, and go spread out on their display couches. We talk about life, business, our future, and gawk at the "unique" characters that tend to roam the concrete halls that are in front of us. Lol. We've done this I think as long as we've been together, and we love it (even if that makes us like an old married couple). :)

WELL, this past weekend our derrières experienced something like no other, and we couldn't resist but bring a little bit of Costco home with us! Granted, we aren't renting an apartment home/studio for another couple months, but they only had ONE MORE LEFT! So we had to jump on it. Our good friends Jenni and Kris were so awesome and drove down with their truck to help us haul the three MASSIVE boxes to my parents house for storage; thanks you guys!!

I couldn't help but briefly document the occasion on my new iPhone 3GS and figured all of you soon to be brides, close friends, and family would like to get a sneak peak of what you too will soon be relaxing on at our humble abode :)

Untitled from Gavin Wade on Vimeo.

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