Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pelican Hill Resort: Mike Colon's Workshop Part One

It is truly a blessing to be in Southern California; what many may call the "Mecca of Wedding Photography!" With a rock star photographer around every corner, it really raises the bar for everyone else around. And I mean that in a very good way!

I'm in the process of getting my "honeymoon body," as I call it. I'm working out every day during the week for the next 5 months to accomplish one goal, and that is to give Daniel Craig a run for his money when I put on that tux on our wedding day! (and as a sidenote, to give Brad Pitt (in Troy) a run for his money after that tux has been returned...HA!)

Wait, why was I on that tangent?

Oh yea! In my days at the gym this past week, I have worked harder, lifted heavier, and given more effort when the guy next to me is stronger than I am (pretty easy to do)! In seeing the weight he is lifting, I am driven to give it that much more! 110%!

That's how I feel about Southern California. I'm got Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk) around every corner when it comes to wedding photography, and I could not love a better challenge to be the very best at what I (we) do!

And speaking of the best, I had a chance to be stretched even more when I visited Mike Colon's 4 day Intensive a couple weeks ago! It was held at the absolutely breath-taking Pelican Hill Resort overlooking the ocean in Newport Beach. With the help of Ray Santana, everyone had a great time! If you haven't read about our experience at Mike's workshop that he held in Maui this past December go check it out!

I firmly believe that Mike's workshop was the launching point for Erin and I. It's when we both looked at one another and said, "We can do this, let's go all out!" Mike's wisdom and insight were invaluable to us! Not to mention, the guy cannot take a bad picture! And who else would you want to be learning from right? :)

Being in this industry is a daily challenge and it is one that we feel blessed to face head on! Being surrounded by the best causes us to give nothing short of our everything, to every bride! We love what we do! And as the ghetto-fabulous Jasmine Star say's all the time, "I'd rather fail at something I love, than succeed in something I hate!"

Here are some of the images from my experience at Mike's Workshop! It was great to meet new people and reconnect with old friends!

















Jen Berry said...

seriously. you guys have a plethora of workshops. how do you do it? I'm soooo jealous.
On a side note, my friend trained brad pitt for Troy. Martial arts baby


Adrienne Gunde said...

Great shots! Really well-written & inspiring post as well :) It was good seeing you this week!

Amanda Patrice said...

Haha, the first 2 comments summed up what I was going to say: Wonderfully written blog, beautiful shots, and I'm a bit jealous of your workshop experience :-)