Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Westin Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego: Renee and Kevin

It's been a whopping 12 days or so since our last post, and for that there is no excuse! (except the following, which are totally legit) Gavin Wade Photographers has been busy busy busy. Between juggling 4 other jobs between the two of us....yes I said four...we've been going at a million miles an hour. We've loved every minute of it! Although if I go too long without blogging, I start getting hate mail, evil looks, and even worse than that....the puppy-dog look! But enough about Erin! ( <3 you babe) .But you guys out there know what I mean. THE LOOK. I can't help but not rush to my laptop :)

However, we simply cannot wait to share with you Renee and Kevin's wedding from this past weekend down in San Diego! The ever-fabulous Maria Longhi invited both Erin and I to join her for the day; Erin was with Renee and the ladies while I was with Kevin and the boys! (our SOP for all of our own weddings as well!). As always, we came away having connected so much with our bride and groom; they were so much fun and just good people! Kevin works for Taylor Made and designs those awesome huge-normous drivers you see on the PGA. And Kev, you gotta call me when you make a driver that can get me 300 yards off the tee and cure my wicked slice!! (I believe in miracles)

Both Renee and Kevin got ready at the Westin Gaslamp Quarter hotel before hopping on the "party bus" and heading over to the church; a beautiful Catholic church which was downtown! We have so many images we want to share that we've decided to split this up into two posts so as not to overload everyone during the middle of the week! And since those puppy-dog eyes still have me intoxicated I can't help but brag about my girl and show you some of the great shots she took! I'll get mine up before the week is out. No worries, we'll get some ceremony and reception shots up soon!

So without further adieu, enjoy! Make it a great end of the week! Love life, love what you do, and have a blast :)















John Loyola said...

I Likes. The kid snapping his fingers is a real cool shot. When you get the hook up with the TaylorMades, hook me up. I want to trade in my R7 for the new R9.

Gavin and Erin said...

Haha, Hey John! Yeah this guy designed the R9 driver, crazy huh? Thanks for leavin' some blog love dude, much appreciated :) How's it going?

Leah Lund said...

Fabulous job Erin & Gavin!!! Lovin the bride by the window shot...what a knockout bride and dress!!! Well done my friends.

Erin Melenbacker said...

Ha...that picture of all the big guys and the one little guy on the end is too cute! :)